Pulau Jarak, located 34km southwest of the town of Lumut, Perak. This tiny island (barely 8 hectares in size) rises 50m above sea level. The fishing method usually done in Pulau Jarak are jigging, popping and bottom bashing. The mission here for us is to hunt for GTs (Giant Trevally) up the hook.
~~a great fishing trip begin with a beautiful sunrise~~
~~a nice morning make us all full of energy for the GT~~
~~the boat that bring us out to the sea~~
~~time to prepare for the mission~~
~~everyone is so busy luring the GT up the hook~~
~~big fish....we got something for our dinner :) ~~
~~even it was not a GT but will be happy enough to get it~~
~~who say girl cant fish & cant get big fish~~
Where is the GT?